11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East

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The proceedings of the 11th ICAANE will be published by Harrassowitz Verlag. As with previous ICAANE volumes the proceedings shall be put on display at the 12th ICAANE 2020.

Only papers that have been presented in one of the regular sections at 11th ICAANE in Munich will be included.
Papers presented in workshops will be published separately and edited by the workshop organizers. Please contact the organizers of the respective workshop for deadlines and further information.


Deadline: October 15, 2018

No papers will be accepted after this date!

Guidelines for the 11th ICAANE publication


Send section papers to icaane2018@lmu.de
Deadline: October 15, 2018

No papers will be accepted after this date!

Contributors are kindly requested to adhere strictly to the following GUIDELINES:

Please name all your files for submission in the following manner:

Text files must be Office Word compatible, with a maximum of 30,000 characters (including abstract, spaces, footnotes, summary, captions and bibliography). Font: Times New Roman 11pt, Footnotes 9pt.
All manuscripts shall be written in English (preferably), French or German and contain the following information:
• title of paper
• name of author(s)
• academic affiliation
• correspondence address (Email)
• short English abstract
• captions for all figures, plates and tables.
If a special font is needed for certain languages (e.g. Greek, Arabic etc.) please inform the editors and provide a pdf of how the final version should look.
References to figures, tables and plates within the text should be given in brackets.
→ Text text text text text (Fig. 1).
Please observe a maximum of two hierarchic levels of chapter headings.
Please limit special formatting to a minimum.

In the text, the Harvard referencing system must be used. Quote author and year in brackets in the text: (→ Mellink 1987: 203). Avoid ff. for citing more than two pages, but give the full page numbering (→ Mellink 1987: 203−208).
Footnotes are appropriate for extended bibliographic references or for further discussions. They should be 9 pt, justified, with the number of the footnote in superscript.

Images / tables
Tables, figures and plates must not exceed 4 pages in total (e.g. 8 half-page-size figures). All photos in grayscale mode. The min. resolution for photographs is 300 dpi and for line drawings 600 dpi.
Note that the print space is max. 19.5 × 13 cm, including the captions.
Figures and tables will be reproduced at the end of each paper.
Send all images as separate files (→ no images in the Word document!) in one of the following formats: TIF, AI, JPG.
The author has to possess the copyright and right to use of all parts of the work. Please clear all copyright issues before handing in the paper!
Tables must be prepared in an Excel-compatible format and submitted as separate files.

Citation style
For English publications, use Title Case (capitalization for all major words).
Italicize the Titles of Books and Journals.
Do not abbreviate the titles of journals or series (i.e. use Baghdader Mitteilungen instead of BaM/BagM).

Boardman, J.
2001 The History of Greek Vases: Potters, Painters and Pictures, London.

Papers in books:
Reade, J.
1999 Early British Excavations at Babylon. In: J. Renger (ed.), Babylon: Focus mesopotamischer Geschichte, Wiege früher Gelehrsamkeit, Mythos in der Moderne. CDOG 2 (Saarbrücken), 47–65.

Papers in journals:
Reade, J.
1998 Greco-Parthian Nineveh. Iraq 60, 65–83.

Encyclopedia entries:
Postgate, J. N.
1972–75 Ḫarrān. RlA 4, 122–125.

Where ibid. and et al. (not et alii.) are used, they should be italicized.
Please avoid tabs in the bibliography.
Also, please, avoid “f./ff./s./ss.”, but use the full page numbers without shortening the second number (i.e. use “123−155” instead of “123−55”).

Due to the large number of papers expected we must urge you to follow these guidelines strictly. Inconsistently formatted papers will be returned to the authors for further processing and may ultimately have to be rejected!