Workshop Kaniuth/Gondet
Achaemenid Residences in Context
Organizers: Kai Kaniuth (LMU Munich) / Sébastien Gondet (CNRS, Lyon)
It will be the aim of the workshop to situate the centres of power of the Achaemenid Empire within their wider historical, social or spatial environment. While certain aspects of palatial architecture (such as the paradeisoi) were modelled on Persian prototypes, it is certain that such central places had various configurations and functions according to the local settings. The goal of this workshop will be to converge experiences and thoughts to build a common framework for future reflexion.
The net of topics is cast wide intentionally, and we have encouraged approaches from the perspectives of philology, archaeology and the natural sciences to consider topics such as the evolution, structuring principles, administration, natural or social setting of these nodes of power.
Askari Chaverdi, Alireza (Shiraz University)
Boucharlat, Rémy (CNRS, Lyon)
Briant, Pierre (Collège de France, Paris)
Callieri, Pierfrancesco (Bologna University)
Chambrade, Marie-Laure (CNRS, Lyon)
Dusting, Amanda (University of Sydney)
Faßbinder, Jörg (LMU Munich)
Gondet, Sébastien (CNRS, Lyon)
Gopnik, Hilary (Monash University, Melbourne)
Gruber, Martin (LMU Munich)
Held, Winfried (Marburg University)
Henkelmann, Wouter (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris)
Huff, Dietrich (German Archaeological Institute, Berlin)
Ibnoerrida, Nabil (Naples University)
Kaniuth, Kai (LMU Munich)
Knauß, Florian (Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek, Munich)
Metz, Stephanie (Göttingen University)
Mohammadkhani, Kourosh (Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran)
Roaf, Michael (LMU Munich)
Tuplin, Christopher (Liverpool University)
09:00 Wouter Henkelmann: Palaces and residences in the Achaemenid institutional network
09:30 Christopher Tuplin: “By appointment to the king.” Royal labels in the Achaemenid landscape
10:00 Rémy Boucharlat: Achaemenid pavilions and find spots of Achaemenid-style column bases: distribution, definition and functions
10:30 Nabil Ibnoerrida: The “pavilions” as elements of an Achaemenid urban planning/settlement system
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Sébastien Gondet / Kourosh Mohammedkhani: Pasargadae: Report on the recent archaeological activities (2015−2017)
12:00 Martin Gruber/Jörg Faßbinder: Archaeological survey and geophysical prospection in the surroundings of the Achaemenid residence at Karacamirli (Azerbaijan)
12:30 Marie-Laure Chambrade / Stephanie Metz: Achaemenid residences in their landscape: a cross study between Pasargadae and Karacamirli
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Winfried Held: Die Residenz eines persischen Satrapen in Meydancıkkale, Kilikien
14:30 Alireza Askari Chaverdi / Pierfrancesco Callieri: The Monumental Gate at Tol-e Ajori: a new evidence of an imperial architectural presence in the Persepolis plain
15:00 Dietrich Huff: Persepolis: Ritual or secular?
15:30 Amanda Dusting: Qal’eh Kali. Achaemenid residence?
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Hilary Gopnik: Betwixt and Between: The unfinished palace of Oğlanqala Period III